Friday, March 1, 2013

Reviews and the Flight or Fight Response

Even though SEX AND THE SINGLE FIREMAN is my third book, I still get heart palpitations every time I get a new review. I'm not exaggerating. I see my name pop up, or the title of my book, and my heart goes into overdrive, as if I'm facing some life or death, flight or fight situation.

Luckily, no matter how bad a review, it's not a wolf in the wilderness trying to rip your throat out (though it may feel that way on occasion). Three books down, and I've learned how to handle reviews without squinting as I click on the link, ready to dump out if it's a bad one.

I've learned to accept that everyone has their point of view. Once the book leaves my hands, it no longer "belongs" to me. It belongs out there on the open ocean of opinion, and it can handle whatever comes its way. My job is to write the next book, which will, of course, be perfect and please absolutely everyone!

Overall, I've been very fortunate to have received some wonderful reviews. In that spirit, I thought I'd share a couple of new reviews I've gotten for SEX AND THE SINGLE FIREMAN.

Here's my first ever review from Affaire de Coeur Magazine. Key lines:

Jennifer Bernard's latest is an awesome tour de force that readers won’t be able to put down. ... Don’t miss a tale that is fantastic from start to finish!

And here's a review from Romance Reviews Today. Key lines:

Jennifer Bernard has once again brought the brotherhood of firemen to a pinnacle of perfection. ... Sabina and Rick's road to love is scary for both of them, but you'll totally enjoy the sights along the way.
Thank you to all reviewers who take the time to read books and write such well thought-out reviews. We authors truly do appreciate it, even though at times we have to read with a squint. :-)

Do you like writing reviews? As an author or a reader, what's your advice to authors about reviews?

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